Pole EVOLINK started to make waves as it was something new in the industry. The first comments were "you can't get around the tree" or "That bike is unrideable." Our team was presistant and we started to get positive reviews soon after.

"It's not me it's the bike"

We started winning more races

Our ambassadors Kaisa Härkönen, Juhani Kettunen and Onni Oainio and other EVOLINK riders were winning races at the Finnish Enduro scene

Button label

First encounter with media

Eurobike media days

We started our marketing journey from Austria where a new concept of Eurobike Media days was introduced. First it seemed that nobody was interested in our long and weird looking bikes. We were watching across the row when Cannondale was launching their first Moterra E-Bike with applause from dozens of media representatitves.

When the smoke and mirrors were put to side, the media personnel started to look around for something else. After the first rider came back from the mountain our bikes were not seen any longer because everyone wanted to make a story about the 15-20 cm longer bikes that were pushing the envelope.

Read what Paul Aston wrote about our bikes at the show

Game Changer is born

EVOLINK production starts

We started the year by starting EVOLINK production. At this time nobody knew what to expect. We put all resources to market and at first it seemed that the internet warriors were winning.

Pole EVOLINK Suspension